
It was a Sunday , January, 2022 when a group of individuals first met at Percival’s Grill, Burgos St., Goa, Camarines Sur. They don’t have the idea of what is going to transpire on that first meeting, some were constant acquaintances and most of them were total strangers to each other.  All we know is that we just belong to that long list of individuals who were invited to join the Metro Partido Peninsular Eagles Club – a club that is hatched from Metro Partido Eagles Club. They say that we are just lucky to pass those 72 hours background investigation, that’s why we are here attending the said  rendezvous. Kuya Jay Bassig, Kuya Sev Malate( MPPEC Convenor) and Kuya Jun Froyalde ( MPEC President) were among the Kuya to welcome and gave a bit of orientation to MPPEC aspirants. A few moments later, we are asked to pause for silence as Eagles Universal prayer has been said, followed shortly by singing the National Anthem and quietly amazed when the Kuya clenched their right fists, slightly raised their arms and punching the air while singing the Eagles Hymn. The Kuya were introduced to the aspirants and after which they were asked to introduce themselves – their names, occupation and who invited them to join the fraternity. That time they were only allowed to bump our clenched fists with the Kuya and co - aspirants as greeting since we are observing minimum health protocols on gatherings like this. Weeks have passed as meetings were held during Sundays, the MPPEC aspirants started to embrace that fraternal bonding  and fellowship which made them instill strong brotherhood in every step of the way.

On April , 2022, the Interview has been set at Favorito’s Times Hall, San Benito, Goa, Camarines Sur wherein aspirants submitted their letter of intents before his admission to the first stage of the applicants’ process, they were subjected to background  investigation and individual interview before a panel of screening committee/jury and seeks to find out whether the applicants possesses such qualities which shall include character (honor, loyalty, integrity), service (community, club and fraternity), availability (meetings, assembly and projects), financial stability ( livelihood, employment and profession), perseverance (patience, humility and dedication) and fellowship ( brotherhood/sisterhood and group unity). Special talents of aspirants were also showcased as an added feature to the interview. 

The interview lasted for about three hours and fellowship followed after the activity. The Initiation was set on June 3, 2022 ( Saturday) at Churinga Resort, San Antonio, Tigaon, Camarines Sur. Only 24 were left from the original 27 aspirants as three aspirants were deferred due to some reasons, another aspirant( Kuya Ed Bermejo) from last year’s batch returned and included to complete the roster to qualify the club for initiation. As the applicants memorized the Eaglism, Universal Prayer, Eagles Pledge and Eagles Hymn , they were conveyed to the different stages of Eaglism and undergone rigorous physical and mental challenges to survive the test. 

Incubation were conducted on separate dates , wherein the applicants were required 12 General Membership meetings and 3 Community Services. The First and Second Community Services were conducted on the same date April, 2022 but on separate venues. The first one was in Balaynan Elementary School - Balaynan, Goa Camarines Sur where 100 IP(Indigenous People) were given food packs through the collaborative effort with the school head Mrs. Marlyn E. Bermejo and IP volunteers. The second Community Service was conducted at Payatan , Goa , Camarines Sur where 100 food packs were given to selected 100 IP recipients through the combined effort of Brgy Kagawad Cris Padua and other barangay officials of Brgy. Payatan. The third Community Service was conducted last May 14, 2022 at Sitio Rancho, Brgy. Huyonhuyon, Tigaon, Camarines Sur where MPPEC Aspirants done a coastal clean up drive on a certain portion of the seashore. Special meetings and community services were also conducted for some applicants to comply with the deficiencies on the number of attendance on General Membership meetings and Community services.